ocr: reelAM) XPPro1.40: 24293 IAM free (122 MB) 0X X Ele Settings Tools Intormation Maie a Donationl FreeRAM, XPI Pro 1.40 A Yourware Solution (TM) 1 Memory Mode: Determanes what happens when you press Gol AutoFree: Automahcally - ophmizes to to - balance speed and memory CIyt free 1 MB of RAM? Display al heeing results report when done with memoty operations Memory Display and Statistics: Memory-related information RAM: 24% 128827392 bytes (122 MB) free 7536064000bytes 512 MB)instaled LOAD: 46% Gol Settings Minimize Exit - Auto time-based freeing off Auto RAM-level freeing at 32MB